Call for Case Studies
I am looking for case studies in knowledge retention and transfer (KRT) from all sectors and industries. I will interview selected respondents for the purpose of eliciting and writing up case study material for the KRTH. I am particularly interested in novel KRT approaches, success stories, failures, and lessons to learn. Written case study chapters are not requested.
Topics & Themes (not exhaustive)
KRT strategies
Catalysts (e.g. demographic change, organizational change, M&A, market factors) for introducing a KRT strategy or intervention
Intellectual capital (explicit, implicit & tacit knowledge, patents, ideas)
Human factors and organizational cultures - impact on levering tacit knowledge
Tools, processes, methods for active KRT
Last-minute KRT
Moving from last-minute KRT to proactive KRT​
Measuring the impact of KRT strategies or interventions
Particularly Wanted
Cases not previously published
Cases from emerging markets or the non-English speaking world
Out of Scope
Knowledge Management (KM) general good practices (widely published by other authors)
Communities of practice (as the main approach to KRT)
Software or IT systems (as the main solution)
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